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Training, Support & Growth

Let's Meet

I'm Wendy, I can help move your business forward

Let's face it, your clinic is fabulous, however, without understanding the fundamentals of practice management it's easy to have a business that is not as effective or profitable as you intended.

  • Do you feel your business and team are running you?
  • Is your business leaking money?
  • Do you have a high staff turnover or don't know how to train to retain or how to follow through with policies and process implementation?
  • Are you generally feeling like you are swamped with all the ‘doing’?

Many business owners lose sight of the passion and the purpose.  Emotionally this can leave you feeling drained, out of love with your business and disconnected from what drove you in the first place.

  Let me help you reignite your fire.    

My bespoke coaching packages allow you the space and security to identify your personal challenges, plan the change and work together to over come them. I believe that there can be no separation in the different aspects of our lives; from our family, our business, our finances to our health. An issue with one naturally affects the others.

Using my unique  S.T.A.R.S . methodology we can together identify how to introduce  SYSTEMS  into your practice, make you  TEAM  work for you, list the  ACTIONS  you need to follow in order to move forwards,  REVIEW    your procedures and help you along your road to   SUCCESS    .

Throughout this process you have someone to share and explore new ideas with; you receive regular updates and, depending on the level of support you are looking for, you could take advantage of ready made system and communication templates to increase your productivity and retention or we could work closer to develop bespoke structures for your practice .


  T EAMS  

   A CTIONS   



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